Tag: gold price

  • Harga emas hari ini 28-9-2016

    Harga emas hari ini 28-9-2016

    Harga emas hari ini 28-9-16 jam 10 pagi, indeks emas hari ini 6690 , harga emas menjunam hari ini
    ALERT: Harga emas menjunam jatuh semalam selepas presidential debate diantara Trump vs Hillary semalam yang menyaksikan berlaku kenaikan harga dollar dipasaran menyebabkan harga emas dunia jatuh. Langkah Trump menyerang Federal Reserve dalam debate itu membayangkan Fed akan menaikkan interest rate mereka jika Trump memenangi pilihanraya US, ia akan menyebabkan kejatuhan wall street dan bubble buzz bakal berlaku pada november. Dengan pegangan Fed sekitar 20 trillion dollar, seluruh dunia akan ditarik bersama dalam krisis ekonomi november ini..dan emas akan melantun naik..
    Ingin jana income dari emas secara online? daftar dinarpal secara percuma di http://bit.ly/daftar-dinarpal dan nikmati komisyen bagi setiap jualan emas sekecil 0.1gm cuma RM30
    #hargaemas #hargaemas916 #jualemas #beliemas #permaisuri #dwitasik #cheras #ampang #buygold #sellgold #kualalumpur #goldprice #arrahnu #shahalam #klang #bangi #kajang #damansara


    Hargaemas : Gold Trading & Arrahnu Services

    Dapatkan update harga emas harian di www.telegram.me/hrgms

    Kami membeli emas. menjual emas, pajakan arrahnu, membeli 

    surat pajak dan emas lama layari www.goldprice.my untuk harga semasa +60122864232

  • Harga emas hari ini 27-9-16

    Harga emas hari ini 27-9-16 jam 10 pagi, indeks emas hari ini 6740 sekali lagi harga emas memecah rekod tertinggi tahun ini, hampir setiap hari harga emas naik minggu ini.

    ALERT: Harga emas sekali lagi mencapai harga tertinggi tahun ini, harga semasa emas 999.9 raw hari ini 178.30/gm, sedikit sahaja lagi untuk menghampiri harga tertinggi yang pernah dicapai emas pada tahun 2011 dulu (Indeks 6900, 999.9 RM182.53/gm) beza harga hampir RM4/gm skrg..

    Ingin jana income dari emas secara online? daftar dinarpal secara percuma di http://bit.ly/daftar-dinarpal dan nikmati komisyen bagi setiap jualan emas sekecil 0.1gm cuma RM30

    #hargaemas #hargaemas916 #jualemas #beliemas #permaisuri #dwitasik #cheras #ampang #buygold #sellgold #kualalumpur #goldprice #arrahnu #shahalam #klang #bangi #kajang #damansara


    Hargaemas : Gold Trading & Arrahnu Services

    Dapatkan update harga emas harian di www.telegram.me/hrgms

    Kami membeli emas. menjual emas, pajakan arrahnu, membeli 

    surat pajak dan emas lama layari www.goldprice.my untuk harga semasa +60122864232

  • Permintaan Tinggi dari China & India Melonjakkan Harga Emas

    Permintaan Tinggi dari China & India Melonjakkan Harga Emas

    china-indiaGold rose as the drop to this year’s low lured Chinese buyers returning from a weeklong break, while investors awaited minutes of the Federal Reserve’s last meeting. Platinum extended a rally from a five-year low.

    Bullion for immediate delivery climbed as much as 0.5 percent to $1,214.85 an ounce, and traded at $1,213.75 by 2:17 p.m. in Singapore, according to Bloomberg generic pricing. The metal dropped on Oct. 6 to $1,183.24, the lowest since Dec. 31. Platinum advanced for a third day as Russia and South Africa prepared to meet to discuss ways to buoy prices.

    Gold is being supported as markets in China opened after being shut from Oct. 1-7, according to Victor Thianpiriya, an analyst at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. Demand in India is set to pick up before the Diwali festival on Oct. 23, according to Mark Keenan, head of Asia commodities research at Societe Generale SA. China overtook India as the largest consumer last year.

    “India and China’s robust growth in consumer demand will only benefit physical gold demand,” Joel Crane, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, wrote in a report today. In the near term, a stronger dollar and rising real U.S. interest rates will generate “considerable headwinds” for gold and other precious metals, he said.


    The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index added 0.3 percent before the Fed releases minutes of its Sept. 16-17 meeting, when monthly bond-buying was cut a seventh time and policy makers kept a pledge to hold rates near zero for a “considerable time.” Gold also rose as the MSCI All-Country World Index headed for the lowest close since April after the International Monetary Fund cut its 2015 outlook for global growth.

    Terendah dalam masa 5 tahun

    A third day of gains today would be the longest rally in more than a month. Bullion for December delivery traded at $1,214 an ounce on the Comex in New York from $1,212.40 yesterday, when futures climbed for a second day. Holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest gold-backed exchange-traded product, were unchanged for a third day yesterday at 767.47 metric tons, the least since December 2008.

    Platinum for immediate delivery rose 0.4 percent to $1,263.63 an ounce after tumbling on Oct. 6 to $1,190.25, the lowest level since 2009. Palladium traded at $787.15 an ounce from $785.79 yesterday, when prices completed a two-day, 4 percent advance.

    Russia and South Africa, together holding about 80 percent of the earth’s platinum-group metal reserves, are set to meet to discuss ways to buoy prices. Officials from Russia’s central bank and OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel, the biggest producer of palladium, will attend the meeting next month, said Natural Resources Minister Sergei Donskoi. One option is for the central banks to boost buying of platinum and palladium, he said.

    “A concerted effort by the two largest PGM producers might be enough to arrest the decline,” ANZ’s Thianpiriya said by e-mail today. Spot silver rose 0.4 percent to $17.2503 an ounce.

  • HSBC Dituduh Memanipulasi Harga Silver Dunia

    HSBC Dituduh Memanipulasi Harga Silver Dunia


    Bank HSBC, Deutsche Bank dan Nova Scotia Bank kini didakwa cuba menipu harga pasaran silver dunia.

    Menurut J Scott Nicholson, pelabur yang  memfailkan tuntutan saman di Amerika Syarikat, bank-bank tersebut menyalahgunakan kedudukan mereka yang sepatutnya bertindak mengawal paras harga perak dunia  tetapi bertindak bertentangan apabila cuba memanipulasi harga perak dunia untuk meraih keuntungan yang tidak sah daripada dagangan.

    Ini telah menjejaskan pelabur-pelabur dunia yang lain dalam pelaburan perak  yang bernilai kira-kira $5 trilion dollar, ramai pelabur membuat keputusan pelaburan mereka berdasarkan penanda aras yang ditentukan oleh bank-bank berikut tanpa sedar penanda aras tersebut telah dimanipulasikan.

    Dengan memfailkan saman itu, Nicholson mendakwa bank-bank tersebut melanggar undang-undang antitrust dan Akta Bursa Komoditi, dan beliau berharap untuk mewakili golongan pelabur yang telah membeli kontrak hadapan perak sejak 1 Januari 2007  “Mereka terlalu berahsia ini menyebabkan pasaran harga perak boleh dimanipulasi “katanya.


    “Defendan mempunyai modal yang kukuh dan peranan utama yang membolehkan mereka  mengawal harga perak fizikal dan pelaburan perak lainnya  dalam pasaran sebelum dihebahkan kepada umum, ini membolehkan mereka meraih keuntungan besar, dan tidak sah.”

    Jurucakap Bank of Nova Scotia memberitahu Bloomberg mereka akan mempertahankan diri dalam tuntutan saman tersebut manakala HSBC dan Deutsche Bank belum memberi sebarang komen.


    Tuntutan ini adalah yang terbaru dalam beberapa siri saman pelabur komoditi logam terhadap bank. Ketiga-tiga bank sebelum ini telah pun dibawa ke mahkamah lebih awal kerana bertindak diluar undang-undang dalam menetapkan harga emas di pasaran dunia, Barclays Bank telah pun didenda sebanyak £ 26 juta oleh pengawal selia UK pada awal tahun ini selepas salah seorang pelabur mereka didapati cuba untuk menetapkan harga logam emas di pasaran.

  • 1065 Pelabur Saman Genneva & Bank Negara 146m

    1065 Pelabur Saman Genneva & Bank Negara 146m

    genneva gold bar invest

    Kuala Lumpur : Seorang pedagang emas termasuk 1,064 individu memfailkan saman terhadap syarikat pelaburan emas Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd kerana memungkiri perjanjian jual beli emas menyebabkan kerugian lebih RM146 juta.

    Murshid Meam Ghouse Musa Meam dan 1,064 individu lagi selaku plaintif memfailkan saman itu melalui Tetuan Raj, Ong & Yudistra di Pejabat Pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi, Isnin lalu.


    Dalam saman itu mereka menamakan Genneva sebagai defendan pertama dan Bank Negara sebagai defendan kedua.

    Berdasarkan pernyataan tuntutan, plaintif mendakwa mereka mempunyai tiga jenis perjanjian dengan Genneva iaitu pembelian produk emas (pembelian pertama), membeli dan menebus produk emas (pembelian seterusnya) dan menjual produk-produk emas (penjualan emas).

    Dalam semua perjanjian itu Genneva didakwa gagal menyediakan produk emas dan membayar balik harga jualan.

    Kerugian setiap jenis perjanjian masing-masing adalah sebanyak RM48,816,915; RM81,952,471 dan RM15,255,953.


    Oleh itu, semua plaintif memohon ganti rugi khas berjumlah RM146,025,339, emas dipulangkan dan perintah untuk mengarahkan Bank Negara menyerahkan emas dan wang kepada mereka.

  • Harga emas merosot, pelombong tingkat pengeluaran

    Harga emas merosot, pelombong tingkat pengeluaran


    MELBOURNE – Pelombong emas di Australia telah bertindak balas kepada harga yang semakin merosot dengan mengeluarkan lebih banyak logam itu untuk suku kedua berturut-turut.

    Pengeluaran emas naik empat peratus kepada 69.5 tan metrik pada tiga bulan hingga hujung September.

    Ini adalah satu kenaikan 12 peratus daripada 62 tan metrik pada suku September 2012.

    Pengeluar emas menyasarkan gred yang lebih tinggi semenjak harga emas merosot awal tahun ini untuk melindungi margin mereka, kata Dr Sandra Close, pengarah syarikat perunding Surbiton Associates, menurut Australian Associated Press.

    Sepanjang tempoh satu dekad peningkatan harga emas antara 2001 dan 2011, pengeluar emas telah mengurangkan gred bijih mengakibatkan kenaikan kos tunai, kata beliau.

    Harga emas merosot daripada US$1,580 satu auns kepada US$1,190 pada suku Jun, dan telah kekal pada jajaran sempit semenjak itu.

    Pelombong emas terbesar Newcrest Mining terjejas terus dengan kerugian berbilion dolar yang mengakibatkan harga sahamnya merosot 65 peratus tahun ini. – Bernama

  • Emas hampiri paras terendah dalam tempoh tiga bulan

    Emas hampiri paras terendah dalam tempoh tiga bulan

    Emas diniagakan dalam jajaran sempit semalam, berlegar menghampiri paras terendah dalam tempoh tiga bulan di tengah-tengah peningkatan pengaliran keluar dana pelaburan berkaitan emas.

    Situasi semasa itu turut diburukkan lagi dengan laporan bahawa penggubal undang-undang Amerika Syarikat (AS) sudah mencapai beberapa kemajuan ke arah menyelesaikan kebuntuan masalah bajet negara itu.

    Harga emas, komoditi yang kebiasaannya dianggap paling selamat dalam keadaan ketidaktentuan geopolitik dan ekonomi, kini dilihat gagal meningkat walaupun perbalahan mengenai kebuntuan fiskal di AS berlarutan sebelum ini.



    Harga komoditi itu menyusut kira-kira empat peratus di bawah paras AS$1,300 seauns sejak kerajaan AS mengisytiharkan penutupan sementara sebahagian daripada operasinya, bermula 1 Oktober lalu.

    “Berdasarkan analisis sejarah, kita boleh menjangkakan harga emas bakal meningkat dalam tempoh minggu di mana kerajaan AS berdepan dengan kebuntuan masalah fiskalnya,” kata penganalisis di Nomura Securities Sydney, Amber MacKinnon.

    “Sekiranya situasi itu benar-benar berlaku, emas akan berada dalam corak pegangan (peningkatan pembelian).

    “Peningkatan harga komoditi itu juga boleh berlaku jika berlakunya penurunan (kredit) kewangan AS,” katanya.

    MacKinnon berkata, sebelum ini, semasa perdebatan masalah fiskal AS untuk meningkatkan had siling hutang negara itu pada 2011 – yang mana penyelesaiannya hanya dicapai pada minit terakhir – harga emas tidak bertindak balas dengan ketara sehinggalah selepas Standard & Poor menurunkan penarafan kredit AS.

    Harga komoditi itu akhirnya mencecah paras tertingginya iaitu AS$1,920 seauns pada September tahun itu.

    “Nampaknya, emas tidak meningkat dalam tempoh masa AS mengalami masalah ketegangan politik (dan harga emas dijangka meningkat semula) sehinggalah selepas peristiwa itu tamat,” kata MacKinnon.

    Harga rujukan emas meningkat sehingga 0.02 peratus kepada AS$1,273.10 seauns pada 0317 GMT, selepas berlakunya rentetan penurunan selama empat hari dalam sesi sebelumnya.

    SPDR Gold Trust, dana pelaburan emas terbesar dunia (ETF), berkata pegangan emasnya susut 1.85 tan kepada 889.13 tan pada Isnin lalu, untuk mencecah tahap terendah dalam tempoh empat tahun.

    Situasi ini sekali gus mencerminkan menurunnya keyakinan dalam kalangan pelabur.

  • Is there anything better than gold?

    ‘Buy oil, not gold’ … Oil is a better bet for investors than gold, a leading fund manager has said. The gold price peaked at about $1,900 in August last year, but is currently at about $1,625…Trevor Greetham, portfolio manager of Fidelity’s multi-asset funds, said gold did better when the dollar was weak and global growth was slowing. “A US-led global upswing could see neither condition hold true,” he added. Gold was also becoming less attractive within the commodity asset class, Mr Greetham added. He said oil was “a much better hedge against geopolitical shocks”, particularly when there were tensions in the Middle East. – UK Telegraph

    Dominant Social Theme: Gold … You can’t eat it.

    Free-Market Analysis: We have been covering an upsurge in articles about the “gold bubble” of late. We checked online at Google and in the last 24 hours there have been over 200 articles including the words “gold bubble.”

    Surprisingly, many of the articles are anti-gold bubble – as in the sense that one doesn’t yet exist. But amongmainstream media publications, it is an article of faith that a gold bubble is likely part of the economic landscape. This is borne out by articles like this one, excerpted above.

    The power elite that wants to run the world obviously wishes to discourage the ownership of precious metals, and the financial industry is positioned constantly to promote paper products as a result. Fund managers, brokers, even private hedge fund managers, all have a bias toward paper instruments.

    Unfortunately for the elites and the financial industry they control, this effort has not been very effective in the past decade. Gold and silver have risen nearly tenfold, outshining the paper investments that elites support.

    It is not a short-term effort to be sure, and the elites are not giving up on this meme anytime soon. They’ve spent the past century building up central banking. The top dynastic families, those that apparently control 150 or so central banks around the world, use monopoly fiat money to drive their quest for global government and they depend on paper monopoly fiat for most of the enormous power they wield.

    They regularly use dominant social themes – fear-based promotions – to talk down gold. These memes are distributed via think tanks, universities and the mainstream media itself.

    The “gold as a barbarous relic” is also accompanied by action. There is an enormous amount of manipulation in the gold and silver market, most of it on the downside. The pressures leveled at gold and silver have retarded price growth.

    There are some who say gold would be at US$5,000 by now were it not for so much manipulation. Of course, there is some doubt as to whether gold and silver will reach a price apex given the power elite’s hostility to precious metals.

    The elites have at various times hinted that a renewed statist gold standard would be attempted, or more likely a new global paper currency based on the IMF‘s SDRs. From our point of view of course, a private market in money would be ideal, one in which all sorts of money competed for acceptance including gold and silver.

    This may happen, ih fact, if the world’s economy continues to degrade into some sort of uncontrollable chaos. But the elites are a long way from surrendering their control, or promotions. This article in the UK Telegraph is indicative of what’s going on. The fall in the price of gold from US$2000 approximately to US$1600 has predictably brought out the naysayers when it comes to the yellow metal. Here’s some more from the article:

    “The dollar has been strong in recent months as the likelihood of additional Fed QE [quantitative easing] has fallen,” the manager said. “Meanwhile, the sovereign debt crisis is hurting the euro and the likes of the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank are implementing policies designed to weaken their currencies.” …

    Gold enjoyed a spectacular bull run until last summer, attracting investors worried that paper currencies would lose value as governments printed money in a bid to restart their stalled economies. The fear of economic meltdown during the depths of the eurozone debt crisis prompted many to seek gold as a safe haven, its traditional role in troubled times.

    But more recently the euro crisis has eased and signs of recovery have made further QE less likely. The gold price peaked at about $1,900 in August last year, but is currently at about $1,625, a fall of about 1.3pc compared with Tuesday. Shares in gold mining companies also fell sharply.

    We have recently written two articles on how the mainstream media simply refuses to acknowledge that markets move within the context of a Misesian business cycle. The cycle moves from the elite’s artificial monopoly fiat money and then back to gold and silver.

    For articles about gold, silver and the business cycle, just Google these terms and add “Daily Bell.” There are plenty of them. We began predicting a bull market in gold and silver in 2000 and our track record is thus fairly good. We figure the bull market in precious metals will end with a blow off in the next few years, if it gets that far and the elites don’t do something drastic to derail it.

    Meanwhile, we shall have these mainstream anti-gold articles. Oil has nothing to do with the larger business cycle now taking place. Sure, oil may go up if there is a war in the Mideast, but that is looking less likely at the moment. And this analysis ignores the business cycle itself.

    In the 1970s and now in the 2000s, the larger Western economy has been held in the grip of a bull market in gold and silver. The idea that a long-term bull market can be derailed by price fluctuations is somewhat dubious to us if one accepts the larger cyclical paradigm.

    As we regularly point out, during these metals bull makets, physical is bid up first and then paper, and finally junior mining stocks during the climatic blow off. The gold/silver ratio closes too.

    We’re not guaranteeing it will work this way this time round. But it surely happened like this in the 1970s and the last decade has seemingly proven predictable as well. There are no certainties in a free market, but the point is, we’d suggest, that world economies are NOT free and thus tend to operate in predictable ways.

    As far as oil goes, we’d agree it could travel upwards far and fast if the elite’s scarcity manipulations continue and if the drums of war are banged loudly enough. Thus, this fund manager is arguing for oil based on a variety of geopolitical factors. He is certainly not making a case for oil based on the larger monetary economics in play.

    Conclusion: Gold and silver are money, and have been so for thousands of years. The comparison between gold and oil is a false one. This fund manager, if he is sincere, should know better. At least he should have explained it better. We think we know why he didn’t.

  • Gold price momentum strike back – say expert

    Gold was at a 2-wk high just below 1700 in the US Tuesday.

    Comments from the US Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s that easing monetary bias would continue revived hopes of QE-3 and sent Gold higher on Monday.

    If the upward momentum in the precious Yellow metal is to be maintained depends on the follow-through other actions by the Fed or other central banks.

    In our opinion, Gold will likely stay in its consolidative pattern, and a breakout should be seen later this year.

    After Gold entered its correction in September in 2011, there a strong rebound in January and February this year.

    But, it failed to break above 1800 in late February, that lead to the price decline again. The drop since late February was for the most part driven by the market’s interpretation that the US Fed would not implement QE-3 because the US economy was showning signs of improvement, sending the USD North, and Gold South.

    In addition to my POV that there is a strong chance for more Fed’s easing, I see the trade situation in China could also put downside risks on the USD.

    China unexpectedly recorded a 31.5-B trade deficit in February, the largest deficit since Y 1989, as imports grew significantly faster after the Lunar New Year.

    The Gold price in Hong Kong went up 290 HK Dollars to open at 15,710 HK Dollars per tael Tuesday, according to the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society.

    The price is equivalent to US$1,697.2 oz, up 30.9 oz at the latest exchange rate of 1 USD against 7.77 HK Dollars.

    While it is expected to return to surplus later in the year, the size will contract from prior years. A fall into deficits and narrowing of surplus indicate that China is transforming from an export-driven to a demand-driven economy.

    A possible consequence of this transformation is that China’s demand for US Treasuries could decrease, eventually sending the USD further South. In case of materialization of this scenario, this will be bullish for Gold’s price IMO.